by Nikos Chatzis | 4 May, 2022 | Uncategorized
H Ρωσία προσπάθησε να εξισώσει την εισβολή στην Ουκρανία με το ένοχο πολεμικά παρελθόν των ΗΠΑ στην ευρύτερη Μέση Ανατολή, ενώ η παγκοσμιοποίηση «απαρνήθηκε» μία από τις κεντρικές διαστάσεις των επιλογών της, για δεκαετίες… ΠΤΗΣΗ ΜΑΪΟΣ 2022...
by Nikos Chatzis | 2 May, 2022 | Advanced Air Mobility / Urban Air Mobility (AAM) (UAM), eVTOL, Geopolitics, NASA
“…Looking forward to catching an air taxi? NASA is working to answer where Advanced Air Mobility or AAM vehicles will take off and land. Many AAM aircraft will be electric vertical takeoff and landing, or eVTOLs, so they will have the ability to take off...
by Nikos Chatzis | 1 May, 2022 | Advanced Air Mobility / Urban Air Mobility (AAM) (UAM), eVTOL, Geopolitics
“…California eVTOL startup Archer Aviation is tapping into investor and customer United Airlines to share its expertise on airline maintenance and operations. Archer is hoping to glean knowledge from United to help it launch urban air mobility (UAM)...
by Nikos Chatzis | 29 Apr, 2022 | Advanced Air Mobility / Urban Air Mobility (AAM) (UAM), eVTOL, Geopolitics
“…As U.K.-based Urban-Air Port’s (UAP) Air-One vertiport demonstration site makes its debut this week, the infrastructure company has already added new locations to its order book, as well as garnered interest from new investors. This includes Dymond...
by Nikos Chatzis | 28 Apr, 2022 | Advanced Air Mobility / Urban Air Mobility (AAM) (UAM), Airbus, eVTOL, Geopolitics
“…Airbus and ITA Airways are working together to bring urban air mobility (UAM) to Italy. The two have signed a memorandum of understanding that would see the partners work to garner additional partners to help launch Airbus’ CityAirbus NextGen eVTOL...