To UAS σταθερής πτέρυγας PRT XV-S drone της Plymouth Rock Technologies Inc συνδυάζει δυνατότητες κάθετης αποπροσγείωσης (VTOL) με προώθηση υβριδικού τύπου και δυνατότητες πτήσεις εντός (LOS) και εκτός (BVLOS) του ορατού ορίζοντα…
[…A new fixed-wing UAS platform with vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities and a hybrid propulsion system has been developed by Plymouth Rock Technologies Inc. The PRT XV-S drone, which can launch fully-autonomously from an area as small as 100 square feet and operate for up to four hours, has recently passed more than 20 hours of flight testing. Featuring long-range data communications, the XV range is the first non-military commercial UAS in its class of both line of sight (LOS) and beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS) UAS platforms to offer fully autonomous flight capabilities.The ability to both take-off and land vertically removes the requirement for a large runway or additional launch catapult and recovery nets, which are usually required by many fixed-wing drones…]