Η Joby Aviation για το ηλεκτρικό αεροσκάφος της, αστικού τύπου επέλεξε τον εξελιγμένο θάλαμο διακυβέρνησης G3000 της Garmin, προς την κεντρική κατεύθυνση αποτελεσματικής διαχείρισης του ενιαίου εναέριου χώρου, αστικού περιβάλλοντος, μεταξύ επανδρωμένων και μη επανδρωμένων πτήσεων (Urban Air Mobility -UAM)…
[…Garmin are market leaders in deploying certified avionics to new markets and we’re pleased to be working with them to bring their G3000 integrated flight deck to Joby Aviation aircraft. It has already been reliably demonstrated across a variety of aircraft and it offers the unparalleled capabilities required to bring our vision of air mobility to life. The flight deck boasts light weight and vibrant high-resolution flight displays that support navigation and communication, integrating seamlessly with our other aircraft systems. Specifically tailored to meet the needs of our aircraft, it delivers enhanced capabilities to optimize an air mobility service through integration with the vehicle mission computer and tailoring of flight guidance display indications. It will also facilitate future system upgrades as our industry evolves. Amongst many impressive features, the G3000 contains state-of-the-art synthetic vision technology that blends an out-the-window view of surroundings on the primary flight display, enhancing situational awareness for pilots…]