Το αστυνομικό τμήμα της Chula Vista, δεύτερης μεγαλύτερης πόλης στη μητροπολιτική περιοχή του Σαν Ντιέγκο, στα νότια της Καλιφόρνιας, χρησιμοποίησε επιτυχώς ένα αστυνομικό drone, που μετέδιδε δεδομένα σε πραγματικό χρόνο, σε αστυνομική επιχείρηση άμεσης επέμβασης, για τον εντοπισμό και τη σύλληψη υπόπτου…
[…In Chula Vista recently a good Samaritan was shot while following a car that had just been involved in a hit-and-run. He had witnessed the hit-and-run, and he was chasing the car to try and record its license plate number so that he could report it to the police. But when he got close enough to read the plate a teenager in the passenger seat leaned out and shot at him, hitting him in the head (he is in stable condition). Several witnesses to the shooting quickly called it in, including the man who was shot. Chula Vista officers in the area listened to the incoming 911 calls via livestreaming—this is made possible thanks to the city’s groundbreaking Live911 program—and quickly began making their way to the scene. At the same time, officers in the police station immediately deployed a drone to the location of the shooting—this is made possible thanks to the city’s Drone as First Responder program—so that they could get visuals on the unfolding situation before the officers could arrive. Using the drone, officers at the station were able to fly to the scene and quickly identify the teenager suspected of shooting the man. They watched as he exited the hit-and-run vehicle holding a handgun and fled.The drone helped police keep tabs on the shooting suspect until law enforcement was able to arrive in person and arrest him. The drone also helped provide visuals on the status of the shooting victim until emergency responders were able to arrive in person and administer aid…]