Ένα επιχειρησιακό drone αμυντικής χρήσης Novadem NX70 διασυνδέθηκε μέσω ραδιοζεύξης, με αντιαρματικό πυραυλικό σύστημα. To drone επιχειρούσε σε συνθήκες πέραν της οπτικής επαφής (BVLOS) εντοπίζοντας και αναγνωρίζοντας το άρμα μάχης, μεταβιβάζοντας τις συντεταγμένες του, στο πυραυλικό σταθμό εκτόξευσης…
[…MBDA has successfully performed the first demonstration of its LynkEUs Dismounted system, which pairs an MMP anti-tank missile system in infantry configuration with a Novadem NX70 drone that is linked via radio to the missile system. The drone can be used to detect and identify remote targets and supply co-ordinates for the missile.The demonstration was carried out with the support of the French Army and of the Direction Générale de l’Armement (DGA – French Procurement Agency) at the Canjuers military camp in the south of France. The drone, operating beyond visual line of sight (BVLOS), enabled the detection and identification of a tank and communicated its coordinates to the MMP firing station, thus demonstrating the ability to engage a target not directly seen by the operator…]